1 Index:
Selected Works
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Current & Upcoming:
Selected Works
(scroll page or click in menue for specific works)
Current & Upcoming:
* Corpus Politicum: A Lively Vessel
* A Sour Place: Embodied Metabolisms and Fermented Narratives
* Recovery Drink!
* Undrar om hästar sjunger blues * Huvudgata, park, träd och sten:
En meditation över Västlänken och station Haga genom ljud, text, performance och objekt
* Who Gets In? Rethinking Admissons – Confronting Segregation * Radical Empathy: A Continuous Score, Act 12: The Pentathlon
* Utgrävningar: Småland - Kansas och tillbaks igen
* Temporary Stabilisations
* Radical Empathy: A Continuous Score, Act 11: The Musical
* Radical Empathy: A Continuous Score, Acts 7-10: The Mixtapes
* Dance Armstrong and the Log Sessions
* Eating Venice: Lagoon Legumes, Ceremony & Heritage
* Dicks Revisited
* Radical Empathy: A Continuous Score, Acts 4-6: Remix
* The Institute for Potentiality & Actualization: “Taxidermy of Speculative Gestures – a 21-day Conference”
* Let’s Mobilize! What is Feminist pedagogy?
* A Stockholm Syndrome * Assemblage: Dicks Revisited
* A Line Made by Swimming
* Between Symbolic Acts, Environmental Qualities & Human Sensibilities
Upcoming:The Omnivore’s Paradox:
Critical Mouthfeel of Institutions (The Admission) @ Skogen, November 2025
The project Food Journeys - Att dela historier över kulturgränser genom konst och mat has received funding from Boråsregionen for a one year preliminary study. Together with Nathan Clydesdale & Rachel Barron @ Ljurhalla Fabriken 2023/2024
Recovery Drink! at Galleri Gamla Farsot, 9 - 11 August 2024
A Sour Place: Embodied Metabolisms and Fermented Narratives, performance @ Skogen, 18-19th October.
Corpus Politicum: A Lively Vessel as part of Durational Space # 5 at Lilith Performance Studios, 21 November - 7 December together with Roxy Farhat, Elias Björn, Josefina Björk, Dsplcd Vsn; Salad Hilowle + Jean Pedro Fabra Guemberena feat. Jean-Louis Huhta. Get tickets here!